Enroll Into Your Course Using Your Groupon
To start your course, follow these quick easy steps to enroll:
Select which course you purchased from the below list.
Follow the link to put the course in your shopping cart.
Add the Groupon Redemption Code as the Coupon and the price of the course will ZERO out.
Complete the order and your enrollment will be automatically created.
Check your email for your login instructions including password.
Email staff at updates.FLREclass@gmail.com if you have any questions or issues getting started.
If your Groupon Redemption Code does not work, simply fill out this Enrollment Form Link and our staff will assist you in creating your account -- we are here to help!

Azure Tide School connects students to Florida Real Estate courses via Azure Tide Realty All Florida School of Real Estate DBA of Azure Tide Realty Corp and to Cosmetology and Barber courses via Azure Tide Cosmetology and Barber CE DBA of Mountain Troll Marketing LLC. Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.